25 July 2020

Pay Attention to the Signs

Dress Macy's | Shoes Jennifer Le | Bag Target 

Hey everyone, 

"It's always up to you to find beauty in the ugliest days!" This quote was right on time for me! I have been one of those people that tries their best to "pay attention to the signs" whenever possible lately. For example, I saw this quote and really decided to dig deep.

In all honesty, I was really having a hard time adjusting to everything going on in the world right now. However, seeing this quote knocked my senses right back into place! I had been turned off completely from blogging during this pandemic. I was focused too much on what I "couldn't do" instead of the paying attention to the things right in front of me. "I can't even do this!" "I can't even do that!" I focused too much on the negative things going on instead of focusing on the positive things. 

I celebrated my 29th birthday two weeks ago after coming across this quote. Since I try to pay attention to the signs, I decided that I should write down the affirmations that my friends/family surprised me with as decorations. I copied them onto sticky notes and say them daily just to make sure "I'm finding beauty in these ugly days." Doing so made me feel a little more positive than I've felt during this time. See the affirmations below:

Birthday affirmations: 

1. I am worthy.
2. I am becoming more confident every day.
3. My possibilities are endless. 
4. I am proud of myself. 
5. I believe in myself everyday.
6. I am in love with myself and my body. 
7. I am doing my best.
8. I am brave bold and beautiful. 
9. I am talented and intelligent. 
10. I chose to be happy and love myself today. 

Let me know below if you state affirmations or the things you do to find beauty in the ugliest days? 



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