08 September 2015

Wear it, Style it, Repeat: Superwoman

Hi loves,
On the journey of self-growth, I find reflecting and being 100% real with myself in order to mature to the next level. The more we lie to ourselves, the more we become stuck in that place.
Recently, I've put my super powers to rest in order to readjust them. At one point I did so much for EVERYONE else to the point that I didn't have enough energy to take care of myself. I would clean, take this person here, do this, do that, drive 1-2 hours to work, do homework, help others with homework, and then repeat the cycle of no sleep. I wasn't able to take care of me! I was late to work, gained weight, went broke, kept my room C R A Z Y, the list goes on! Superwoman can't properly use her powers if she isn't in good standings herself!
The only peace I found came from taking mini vacations. On my last flight, I traveled alone which allowed me to really pay attention with no distractions. After boarding the flight, I heard the flight attendants begin discussing emergency procedures for anyone traveling with a lap child. She said, "if you have a child on your lap, remember to put the oxygen on yourself, THEN the child." A little light went off in my head "ahhhhhhhhhh, makes sense! A lap child won't be able to save two people, while the adult can!" Like the adult, I felt like the only way I could utilize those superpowers to the fullest potential was to take care of ME first, then others!
To me, superwoman is constantly evolving, to be the best she can be for herself and others. She knows who she is and the things she's capable of. She makes mistakes, but she learns from them, as they are part of her growth. She thinks like a queen, never afraid to fail. Failure is just a steppingstone to her greatness.
I wear this shirt as a reminder...
Look 1:

What I wore:
Sunnies F21 | Shirt H&M | Sweats Target | Shoes Converses
Look 2:


*** I cut the slits in my jeans myself***
What I Wore:
Shirt H&M | Jeggings Express | Heels Zara
Look 3:


What I Wore:
Shirt H&M | Shorts F21 | Heels Target
Courtney <3

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