10 February 2023

For the Love of Pink & Goals

Happy Friday and Happy New Year! 

And yes I know it's mid-February, but my year started February 2023! haha. I like to take the month of January to organzie my goals that I set for the year! 


I was very hesitant to make a post again after so long and so many breaks. However, I've been staying committed to obtaining everything I want from life. I started by making a list of 300 things that I want from God in January (thanks to Steve Harvey)! Let's just say I haven't quite made it to 100 yet, but I'm most certainly going to continue this list. 

Soooo... you may be wondering what exactly does this mean for me? What is this list and how can this help me? 

  1. Step OneWatch this video - this video has motivated me in so many ways! I have shared it with most of my close friends and family. If I'm not discussing it, I am sending it randomly. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DlMAIYd7-J4
  1. Step TwoBuy a Journal - I love a good, pretty journal! I used the journal to create the list of 300 things that I wanted from God. Journaling in general has started becoming one of my favorite self-care tools. It's a great way to decompress at the end of the day or begin your day. 
  1. Step ThreeRead the list on a daily basis - I love that my journal started this year with this page. It will be easy for me to read the list on a daily basis with the expectation that I am going to receive EVERYTHING I am asking for!

An example of the things I've added to that list is: "I want to blog weekly." Blogging has always been a way for me to share my ideas with others, but also a tool of self-care. I was able to do something I loved and help people at the same time; I was able to write and help with style, but also discuss life lessons that may help others. I'm excited to get back to one of the things I love. 

Preparing for Valentine's Day is the perfect time for me to start getting some of my ideas off list and turned into reality. See below for a fun look for Valentine's Day this year: 

What I wore:

Dress: Naked Wardrobe/Nordstrom | Boots: Asos | Bag: Amazon 

If you know me, of course Valentine's Day means pink for me! One of my forever favorite colors! 

 And of course I am still not over this white boot trend! they make me feel so classy/elegant and literally go with everything! (Sorry not sorry, you will see this combo in many future posts!) 

Long story short, wear pink and make your list of 300! 



17 January 2023

Work Blues

Happy Tuesday!

Are you feeling blue?? It's easy to have the Monday Blues after the weekend, a holiday or vacation. Either way, the return to work is a real struggle! 

Here are a few ways to get over these blues: 

1. Rest the Day Before Your Return - Some people take every second off, as time to enjoy. However, it is best to relax and get your body and mind ready for the return. 

2. Check your emails slowly - Often times we attempt to rush back into catching up into our emails. This is the easiest way to get overwhelmed... slow down! 

3. Get Organized - if you prepare for your day off in an organized way, you will be prepared to return as well. 

4. Set Goals - Goals for the day, week, month, etc

 5. Breaks - Be sure to pace yourself. Spend time 

 6. Plan a vacation! 

7. Saved the best thing for last... head to Target! 

When I’m feeling blue, I try to through on something blue to remind me to keep fighting through the blues. In this case, this Target X Kahlana Barefield number was perfect! 

What I Wore:
Dress & Jacket - Target (Future Collective Collection by Kahlana Barfield) | Bag - Chanel | Shoes - Lola Shoetique | Bracelets - https://www.euphorictreasures.com 

What do you do when you’re feeling blue? 


Courtney 💕